I have a love for meatballs! Have I told you that? It’s not something someone admits openly but because we’re friends, I think you can handle knowing this about me.
Swear on the bible, I always thought meatballs were suppose to be small & golf ball size at the most. Then I saw the movie “The Wedding Singer” with Adam Sandler. When the little old lady slapped some palm sized meatballs in his hand as payment for her singing lessons, I was like “Holyyyyyy hell”! My meatball loving heart almost burst with excitement.
For years, I have tried various recipes but none of them hit the spot. We use to have meatballs every other week as I tried out different recipes. My hubster said they were all good but I wasn’t blown away by any of them.
To be completely honest, I actually gave up trying to make them for a few years and started buying them from Sbarro because, in my humble opinion, Sbarro’s meatballs are super bomb dot com. I had forgotten just how good they were until after an alcohol induced night with friends in Vegas, I stumbled upon a Sbarro in the food court of our hotel. It was like finding a lost love! I truly believe in my heart of hearts that Sbarro meatballs saved me from a mean hang over the next day though my hubster says there’s no scientific proof to my theory.
When we got back home, I was determined to figure out a good meatball recipe and decided to combine things I liked from other failed attempts into a recipe that I loved.
Here are the things I knew I needed my meatballs to be:
- Palm size, no less and no more. Less is pointless & more doesn’t hold up well when cooked.
- A mixture of meats for taste and texture
- Well seasoned
- Tender so you could cut it with a fork while still holding it’s shape
- Hearty…I wanted to be able to eat them by themselves in sauce with some crusty bread!
- LOVED…when friends & family tasted them, I wanted them to love meatballs as much as I did.
I came up with the following recipe!
[yumprint-recipe id=’8′]
I made these after finding your website from searching for Sbarro meatballs. I only had ground pork on hand and used 1/2 of everything. This is the only recipe I’ve seen where you cook the meatballs in the sauce. They are so delicious! Thank you so much for posting!! My family loved them too.